Tag Archives: Beginning of the Church

Acts 2-The Beginning of the Body of Christ?

Most theologians believe Acts 2 is the beginning of what Paul calls “the Body of Christ”.  Does this view hold up when the light of the word of God is shed on it?  Let’s see what God revealed to Paul and compare it with what Peter says in Acts 2. read more »

Paul’s Apostleship

Paul’s Calling and Commission

There is much confusion and misunderstanding about Paul being called an Apostle. Many have problems understanding why he was called to be an Apostle when there were already 12 Apostles called by Jesus himself while on earth. Some even think that the choosing of Matthias as the replacement for Judas was outside of God’s will. I believe an understanding of God’s program for Israel and God’s program for this present Age of Grace will give us the answers to some of these difficult questions. read more »