The Gifts of the Spirit

Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 13 and Ephesians 4

The gifts of the Spirit in written about in Paul’s letters to the body of Christ have been debated for years. Many of the debates center around the following questions—who were the gifts given to and when, why they were given, did they end, and if they did end, why and when? In this study, we will examine these very questions, with a concentration on 1 Corinthians 13 and Ephesians 4. The hope is to come to a surer realization of the truth that would line up with what Priscilla and Aquila did for Apollos in Acts 18:24–26, “a more accurate way.”

The first thing we must understand is that the gifts were given by Christ himself as 1 Corinthians 7:7 and Ephesians 4:7–10 show. These gifts were supernaturally endowed upon members of the body of Christ for at three purposes: read more »

Saved From the Wrath of God

Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9

There are many theories pertaining to what is known as the tribulation period (Daniel’s 70th week).  Some believe that it is not God’s wrath, and that God’s wrath is referring to the lake of fire.  Others believe that God’s wrath includes the tribulation period.  Some believe that the body of Christ will be raptured before the tribulation.  Some believe that the rapture will take place in the middle of or toward the end of the tribulation, when they believe that God’s wrath is really poured out.  This is referred to as the “pre-wrath” rapture.  Others believe that the rapture occurs at the end of the tribulation.  Still, others believe that the rapture is a made-up concept. read more »

Will Water Baptism Be Practiced During the Tribulation?

As believers that the ritual rite of water baptism was set aside when Israel was set aside (see author’s article entitled, “Understanding Baptism in this Age of Grace”), one question that is raised periodically is whether this ceremony will be practiced during the tribulation, when God deals primarily with Israel once again.  This brief article will try to address this topic in a short, concise and yet thorough manner.
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Is this Verse For Us?

It has been a trend with many Christians to single out a verse here or select a few verses there and apply them to the Body of Christ, themselves or even their family on a personal level.  I have lost track of the countless times that I have walked into someone’s home to find Jeremiah 29:11 (you know… “For I know the plans I have for you…”) posted on some refrigerator or on a plaque somewhere in the living room.  The question is…why do Christians do this, and is this sound Biblical interpretation? read more »

Acts 2-The Beginning of the Body of Christ?

Most theologians believe Acts 2 is the beginning of what Paul calls “the Body of Christ”.  Does this view hold up when the light of the word of God is shed on it?  Let’s see what God revealed to Paul and compare it with what Peter says in Acts 2. read more »

Did Jesus and Paul Preach the Same Gospel?

Throughout the last two centuries, many have grappled with the seeming confusion portrayed in the New Testament when comparing Paul’s letters with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Paul hammers home the gospel of the grace of God, while the four gospels seem to be heavy on a kingdom message. Many have tried to rectify this problem by reading Paul’s message of grace back into the gospels. The problem with this is that in Paul’s Holy Spirit inspired letters; over and over again he claims that his message was a mystery, never before revealed until he received it. Others have tried to combine Jesus’ and the twelve apostles’ message with Paul and say that there has only been one gospel, therefore they all preached the same message. This is a grave error as well. Jesus and the apostles told the nation of Israel to “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”, something Paul never once is heard to have uttered. Did Paul preach something different than Jesus and the twelve? Is there more than one gospel spoken of in the New Testament? Can all of this be reconciled? The good news is that, yes, this is all easily understood if we study the Scripture without thinking it says something that it really doesn’t. read more »

Paul’s Apostleship

Paul’s Calling and Commission

There is much confusion and misunderstanding about Paul being called an Apostle. Many have problems understanding why he was called to be an Apostle when there were already 12 Apostles called by Jesus himself while on earth. Some even think that the choosing of Matthias as the replacement for Judas was outside of God’s will. I believe an understanding of God’s program for Israel and God’s program for this present Age of Grace will give us the answers to some of these difficult questions. read more »

Understanding Baptism in this Age of Grace

     When one hears, reads or thinks of the word baptism, the natural tendency is to automatically link it to water.  In fact, there are at least twelve “baptisms” mentioned in the New Testament, and only five of them have anything to do with water.  All of the baptisms using water were used in the context of the Old Testament Law, the kingdom program and the nation of Israel.
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Physical Healing In Isaiah 53?

Many Christians have grappled with the question…Is physical healing for today a part of the blood atonement of Christ?  I have recently listened to a teacher on an audio tape attempt to show that Isaiah 53:4-5 contains the key to understanding that there is really healing for today in the atonement.  As I listened more and more, I discovered that the very arguments that were used to attempt to show healing in the atonement actually proved BY THE SCRIPTURES that if there is healing for today in the atonement, it is NOT in Isaiah 53. read more »

Understanding Tongues

A Commentary on Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 12 – 14

The topic of the Holy Spirit gift of “tongues” has long been a point of contention within the Christian community.  The purpose of this article is to answer in a plain and common sense way, the many questions that arise from 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14.  We will especially look at the verses in chapter 14, where much of the confusion stems from.  But, if we are going to understand the gift of tongues in 1 Corinthians, we must first look at the Scripture passages that introduce the Bible reader to this extraordinary gift from God. read more »

Romans Chapter Four Versus James Chapter Two-Can They Be Reconciled?

            There probably aren’t two more diametrically opposed points of view in all the Scriptures about how salvation is obtained than Romans four and James two.  Over the years many theologians have attempted to reconcile these two seemingly opposite methods of salvation.  Martin Luther struggled with this so much that he at one point was ready to throw the book of James right out of the Bible because it did not match up well with Paul’s doctrine of being saved by grace through faith.  Paul writes in Romans four that a man is saved by faith apart from works and he uses Abraham as his example.  James, on the other hand, writes in James chapter two that one is not saved by faith alone.  Works are required to validate faith and James also uses Abraham as his example.  Well, who is right and who is wrong?

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Confessing Our Sins

Many people understand that 1 John 1:9 is to be taken as instructions for the believer in this age of Grace. The act of confessing is taken as a step for renewing our fellowship with God after we have broken that fellowship by sinning. When we confess our sins, He will forgive and cleanse us and the fellowship will be renewed.

I feel, however, that there are many problems with this particular interpretation and think there is a better, more Scripturally consistent way to deal with this verse. read more »

In Answer to “Hyperdispensationalism and the Authority of Christ”


This article is in answer to criticism of Bob DeWaay directed toward those who believe the Church, the Body of Christ was formed mid-Acts. His article can be found at:

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